@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018890, author = {山元, 翔}, month = {}, note = {研究成果の概要(和文):現在,特別支援学級の算数文章題の学習は,各生徒の特徴を考慮して緩やかに行われている.この一因として言語理解の困難さが挙げられ,作問学習のように,学習としては効果が高いが,文章を一から記述するような演習は実現が不可能であった.これに対して本研究では,単文の組み合わせとして作問学習を行える学習環境を開発している.このシステムを用いることで,単文が理解可能な生徒であれば,作問学習が実現可能ではないかと考えた.実践利用の結果,単文が理解できれば,作問学習だけではなく,構造を直接操作し学習するような演習も実現可能であることが確認できた. 研究成果の概要(英文):Currently, the method for learning an arithmetic word problem in special classroom is easier than general classroom because teacher provides them an education that addresses their individual difference and needs. In this research, our target is language delay’s student in special classroom who is difficult to read and write. They cannot exercise an effective learning method like problem-posing that is required to write a sentence from scratch. We have developed a learning environment for problem-posing and learning a problem structure by selecting and arranging several sentence cards. Therefore, we assume that language delay’s student who is difficult to read and write are able to exercise and learn the structure of arithmetic word problem that can be solved by one-step addition or subtraction by using our learning environment. The result of experimental use shows that the students can exercise and learn the structure of arithmetic word problem if they can read the simple sentence., 研究種目:若手研究(B); 研究期間:2015~2016; 課題番号:15K16259; 研究分野:学習工学,マルチメディア; 科研費の分科・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {特別支援学級を対象とした作問学習の支援に関する研究}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ヤマモト, ショウ} }