@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018148, author = {樹野, 淳也 and 稲垣, 克彦 and 田島, 淳}, month = {}, note = {研究成果の概要(和文):先行研究にて提案した環境保全型農業である局所耕うん栽培を実践する車輪型ロボットの開発に取り組んだところ,新たな移動機構として脚型ロボットの適用性を見いだした.そこで,本研究では,局所耕うん栽培を実践する実スケールの脚式農作業ロボットの開発に取り組んだ.具体的には,脚機構およびロボット本体の設計・試作,自己位置認識システムの精度確認実験,ロボットに搭載するチェーンポット苗定植用作業機の性能評価と改良などの研究項目を実施した. 研究成果の概要(英文):We proposed the shaft tillage cultivation for autonomous robot. Under this cultivation, deep vertical shaft is drilled by rotating the tillage tool, after that, seedling is transplanted to the shaft and grows until harvest time. We have discussed the possibility of application of legged locomotion to our robot. In this research we started to develop the legged robot to practice the shaft tillage cultivation. At first, we made prototype of the leg structure and the robot body. Second, we proposed an affordable and high-precision 2-D positioning method for the legged robot. As a result of the experiment to evaluate the measurement error, the RMSE was found to be about 15 mm. In addition, we experimentally investigated the transplanting performance of the transplanting equipment for chain pot seedlings. Although most seedlings were successfully transplanted into the shafts, we recognized some problem to be solved in future., 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2013~2015; 課題番号:25420231; 研究分野:計測制御工学; 科研費の分科・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {脚式ロボットによる環境保全型農業の実践}, year = {2016}, yomi = {タツノ, ジュンヤ and イナガキ, カツヒコ and タジマ, キヨシ} }