@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018051, author = {阿部, 孝司}, month = {}, note = {研究成果の概要(和文):CBIRの性能向上を目的として、本研究では以下の機能を実現させた。(1)図形商標を対象に群化要因「よい連続性」を測定するモデルを提案し、そのカスタマイズを進めた。(2)胃X線像を用いた健常胃判別において、胃壁に出現する襞模様や胃輪郭線の抽出に(1)を適用し有効に機能すると示唆された。(3)内視鏡画像を用いた内痔自動診断において、うっ血領域の抽出に対する前処理として(1)を適用し濃淡画像のオブジェクト認識にも適用可能性があると示唆された。(4)Webカメラ映像からVDT作業者のモニタリングシステムを開発した。画像特徴量を抽出する際、(1)を含めた群化領域認識手法の一部を適用した。 研究成果の概要(英文):To enhance performance of CBIR for trademarks, the following subjects were investigated. Besides, to examine their performance more, the proposed methods were applied for pre-processing methods in medical image processing: (1) A model for measuring a grouping factor of good continuity was proposed and its performance was examined to trademarks (black and white image). Then, the model was improved by trials and errors, (2) In a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) for stomach cancers using X-ray images (gray image), the model of (1) was utilized to extract folds and boundary of stomach area, (3) In a CAD for hemorrhoids using endoscopic images (color image), the model of (1) was utilized to extract congestive region in abnormal cases; and (4) A system for monitoring the VDT work to a PC user using a webcam was developed, where the proposed method of recognizing grouping areas including the model of (1) was utilized to extract an image feature from images obtained by the webcam., 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2013~2015; 課題番号:25330214; 研究分野:メディア情報学、人間工学; 科研費の分科・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {複数のゲシュタルト的群化知覚を考慮した類似画像検索}, year = {2016}, yomi = {アベ, コウジ} }