@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013887, author = {柴田, 瑞穂}, journal = {近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告, Kinki University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation}, month = {Jun}, note = {In this manuscript, a robotic hand for grasping a cylindrical object is proposed. This robotic hand has flexible fingers that can hold a cylindrical object during moving. We introduce a grasping strategy for a cylindrical object in terms of state transition graph. In this strategy the robotic hand picks up the cylindrical object utilizing a suction device before the hand grasp the object. We also design the flexible fingers; then, we investigate the validity of this robotic hand via several experiments., Ⅲ.論文集, application/pdf}, pages = {67--71}, title = {〈原著論文〉円筒状物体把持のための柔軟爪を有するロボットハンドの開発}, volume = {6}, year = {2015}, yomi = {シバタ, ミズホ} }