@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013839, author = {樹野, 淳也 and 土屋, 賢太 and 米原, 牧子 and 中村, 一美 and 竹原, 伸 and 前田, 節雄}, journal = {近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告, Kinki University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation}, month = {Jun}, note = {[Abstract]For the disabled and the long-lived, wheelchairs are effective to expand their field of activities. It is well known that wheelchair users are exposed to whole-body vibration when they move around on wheelchairs. Then, this paper discusses the whole-body vibration in driving an electrically powered scooter. We executed experiments to measure three axes of the frequency weighted r.m.s. acceleration on seat surface of an electrically powered scooter at three types of road surface. The experiment results suggest that the user of electrically powered scooter was exposed to considerable amplitude of whole-body vibration. In addition, it is recognized that the future work is to propose countermeasures for improving the discomfort and health effect from whole-body vibration of an electrically powered scooter seat by using 12 axes acceleration measurement based on ISO2631-1., application/pdf}, pages = {63--69}, title = {〈原著論文〉ハンドル形電動車いすにおける全身振動ばく露量の測定と評価}, volume = {4}, year = {2013}, yomi = {タツノ, ジュンヤ and ツチヤ, ケンタ and ヨネハラ, マキコ and ナカムラ, ヒトミ and タケハラ, シン and マエダ, セツオ} }