@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013815, author = {樹野, 淳也 and 中村, 一美 and 米原, 牧子 and 田中, 一基 and 竹原, 伸}, journal = {近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告, Kinki University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation}, month = {Jun}, note = {[Abstract] Most traffic accidents are caused by inattentive driving. Inattentive driving occurs when drivers operate devices unrelated to driving. This paper evaluates the maneuverability of control switch of the air conditioning unit. We performed an experiment to compare the operation of three kinds of control switches: lever switch, knob rotary switch, and dial rotary switch. The experimental results showed that the subjects could perform the tasks more accurately using the knob rotary switch compared to that using the dial rotary switch and lever switch. The difference in the operation of three different control switches is as follows: In the case of the knob rotary switch and lever switch, the subjects are able to hold the switch at the central position by arm kinesthetic sense, and the motion error gets canceled when the subjects operate the control switch continuously. In contrast, in the case of the dial rotary switch, subjects are not able to recognize the switch rotation without visual confirmation, and the error accumulates whenever the subjects operate the switch. The next stage of this research involves the development of a switch that operates without visual confirmation. In the future, it is expected that the control switch of the air conditioning unit will not only possess a merchantable design but will also produce better results during its operation., application/pdf}, pages = {47--54}, title = {〈原著論文〉自動車エアコンのスイッチ形式が操作性に与える影響について}, volume = {3}, year = {2012}, yomi = {タツノ, ジュンヤ and ナカムラ, ヒトミ and ヨネハラ, マキコ and タナカ, カズモト and タケハラ, シン} }