@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013720, author = {Jensen, James C.}, issue = {4}, journal = {語学教育部ジャーナル, Kinki University Department of Language Education journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Abstract] Much has been written about 'focus on form' and the idea that some kind of formfocused activity needs to be incorporated into L2 communicative contexts. Less has been written, however, on how this aim can be accomplished. This paper will discuss the need to incorporate form-focused activities into communicative classes from both the pedagogical and the cultural standpoint. Then strategies and examples of tasks that may help realize this goal will be offered., 著者専攻: 英語教育学, application/pdf}, pages = {75--89}, title = {"Focus on Form" and the Communicative Classroom}, year = {2008} }