@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013463, author = {好並, 晶}, issue = {2}, journal = {近畿大学総合社会学部紀要:総社る, Applied sociology research review Kinki University : Social}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Abstract] With the recent and ongoing diversification of entertainment media in China, films, which had long been the main source of entertainment among Chinese, have been losing their relevance in reflecting current social issues. However, if we conduct a comprehensive analysis of recent Chinese films, we can still capture a snapshot of contemporary China. In this article, I will introduce three recent Chinese films not previously released in Japan and analyze them in terms of three themes: the rewriting of popular history, the confidence necessary for individual success in modern China, and the revival of the traditional domestic tragedy., 著者専攻: 中国映画史・中国映画芸術研究, application/pdf}, pages = {59--66}, title = {〈評論〉中国映画探訪―高考・成功・精神創傷(入試・出世・心的外傷)}, volume = {2}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ヨシナミ, アキラ} }