@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013443, author = {中谷, 勝哉}, issue = {2}, journal = {近畿大学総合社会学部紀要:総社る, Applied sociology research review Kinki University : Social}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Abstract] In the gradation between instinct and learning, human child care is placed at the pole of learning. In this study, I compared childcare behaviors among birds, mammals, and primates. While instinct guarantees childcare and survival for birds, the same is unsure for primates. I discussed some problems regarding the functioning of instinctive behavior, which does not have one-to-one correspondence between stimulus and reaction. At the same time, I discussed some factors in the evolution of primate learning, such as K strategies, the uterus-placenta system, breast-feeding, kin group, etc.. The essence of teaching and learning can be seen in chimpanzees' instrumental behaviors, in which the formation of culture can also be seen., 著者専攻: 基礎心理学・行動発達学, application/pdf}, pages = {69--92}, title = {〈研究ノート〉動物の子育てから教わること I ―動物の子育てはどこまで本能か―}, volume = {1}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ナカタニ, カツヤ} }