@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013271, author = {津田, 忠雄}, issue = {1}, journal = {近畿大学健康スポーツ教育センター研究紀要, The research bulletin of Health and Sports Sciences}, month = {Jul}, note = {[Abstract] This research focused on apparent existence of the antipodal personality in the sport events, which is utterty different from the athlete's usual self-recognized personality. The author considered antipodal personality of the athlete as "two-sidedness of the athlete's personality". An awareness survey and "TSPS (Two-Sided Personality Test)" ware performed and the results were analyzed. "Two-sidedness of the athlete's personality" was recognized among majority athletes. It became obvious that "two-sidedness of the athlete's personality" was antipodal, however, co-existing, complementing and influencing each other. In other words, the "two-sidedness of the athlete's personality" was antipodal but continuous while they were contradicted. The "two-sidedness of the athlete's personality" was found to be co-existed and self-controlled. Moreover, the research found that many athletes naturally accepted the "two-sided personality" without any conserns. The research also indicated that the athlete's personality was grasped more dynamic and vivid through referring to the athlete's "two-sided personality"., application/pdf}, pages = {27--40}, title = {〈原著論文〉スポーツ選手の性格の二面性について}, volume = {2}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ツダ, タダオ} }