@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001294, author = {堀田, 美保}, issue = {2}, journal = {社会心理学研究, Research in social psychology}, month = {Dec}, note = {110002785290, [Abstract] Three-hundred and sixty four males and females were asked to estimate the distributions of men's and women's (ingroup and outgroup) opinions about the advantage of being men and women. They were also asked to indicate their own opinions about the advantage of the two sexes as well as their satisfaction with being their own sex. First, intergroup differences were found in the estimated opinion distributions; both male and female respondents estimated that, in their outgroup rather than in their ingroup, there must be more opinions that the respondents' own sex is advantaged, while the perceived intergroup differences showed the reverse directions regarding their opposite sex. Second, the outgroup homogeneity effect were identified in male respondents' estimates. Third, those who considered their own sex more advantaged and estimated higher percentage of the same opinion in their ingroup were more satisfied with being their own sex. Forth, the female respondents were satisfied with being their own sex as much as the males were, in spite of the recognition of relative disadvantage of being women., Copyright (c) 1996 日本社会心理学会 , right: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものである, relation: isVersionOf: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110002785290/, application/pdf}, pages = {77--85}, title = {「男であること」・「女であること」の有利性に関する内集団・外集団意見分布の推定}, volume = {12}, year = {1996}, yomi = {ホッタ, ミホ} }