@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012746, author = {RAMIREZ, Carlos}, issue = {1}, journal = {近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要. 外国語編, Kinki university center for liberal arts and foreign language education journal. foreign language edition}, month = {Jul}, note = {[Abstract] Spoken English is becoming a topic of growing concern among Japanese government policy makers. The main question is how to achieve fluency given that past methodologies have not achieved their expected results. Testing as a tool for learning can help in attaining proficiency. However, a good test must adhere to the three guiding principles of validity, practicality and reliability. This paper proposes one type of testing, the Unified Oral English Test, as an acceptable method of testing at the large institutional level, i.e., at universities. It is proffered that this test conforms to the principles of validity and practicality. While it is acknowledged that confirmation of the test's reliability requires further data, the test content and organization suggests reasonable reliability. The first section of the paper explains the importance of test construct and content in test design. This explanation is followed by a general outline of the test itself. The remaining parts of the paper are discussions of the four main types of validity as they relate to the test, the practicality of the test and finally the challenges of achieving reliability on a Unified Oral English Test., 著者専攻: 応用言語学, application/pdf}, pages = {73--95}, title = {〈Articles〉 Balancing Validity, Practicality and Reliability on an University Oral English Test}, volume = {5}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ラミレズ, カルロス} }