@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012677, author = {松永, 舞}, issue = {2}, journal = {近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要. 外国語編, Kinki university center for liberal arts and foreign language education journal. foreign language edition}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Abstract] This study explored effective training procedures as part of a class offered to university students in a teaching certificate program. More precisely, the author empirically examined the effectiveness of two styles of training procedures on giving game instructions, a commonly used skill in elementary schools. Specifically, this study attempted to answer the following research questions: 1) whether the instructor's demonstration group (group A), in which their instructor demonstrates game instructions, significantly improves their game instruction skills after three training sessions, 2) whether the participants' demonstration group (group B), in which they themselves act out game instructions, significantly improves their game instruction skills after three training sessions, and 3) whether there is a significant difference in the improvements of game instruction skills between groups A and B. To measure the effectiveness of these sessions, a set of criteria for teaching skills (Matsunaga, 2009a) was employed. The results of statistical analyses implied that both groups A and B's styles of training procedures helped to improve the participants' skills in giving game instructions. Moreover, group A had significantly higher gains on the test compared to those of group B. These positive results indicate that allotting more time to practicing certain skills, especially when the instructor offers a demonstration, can better prepare pre-service teachers to conduct English activities. Future classes, therefore, should consider incorporating more practical training sessions into their syllabi., 著者専攻: Extensive Reading/TESOL, application/pdf}, pages = {211--231}, title = {〈Articles〉Practical Training Sessions to Prepare Pre-Service Teachers to Conduct English Activities at the Elementary School Level}, volume = {2}, year = {2012}, yomi = {マツナガ, マイ} }