@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012061, author = {有馬, 昌宏}, issue = {2}, journal = {商経学叢, Shokei-gakuso: Journal of Business Studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {[要旨]災害対策基本法では第5条第2項において, 自主防災組織の充実が規定されている。 自主防災組織に関しては, 阪神淡路大震災を契機に共助の重要性が広く国民に認識されるようになり, 1995年に43.8%であった自主防災組織の活動カバー率は, 2012年には75.8%にまで高まってきている。 しかし, 単に組織化しただけでは自主防災組織は有効には機能しない。 本研究では, 2011年に実施した全国ウェブ調査に基づき, 住民の自主防災組織への加入意識の現状を明らかにするとともに, 自主防災組織の活動を活性化して災害時に有効に機能させるためには何が必要かを明らかにすることを情報経営の視点から分析することを試みる。 [Abstract] Mutual help is important in occurrence of disasters, and Basic Disasters Countermeasure Act provides that residents' disaster prevention organizations should be prepared. Residents' disaster prevention organizations became widely known after the Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake in 1995, with its coverage ratio reaching 75.8 percent in 2012. However, high coverage ratio does not necessarily mean well prepared. In our study we hypothesized that in spite of rising coverage ratio residents' willingness to join and sense of belonging to residents' disaster prevention organization is low. According to the hypothesis we conducted a nationwide web survey to reveal the residents' attitude towards residents' disaster prevention organizations and what is needed to vitalize its activities. As a result, it has been shown that there are possibilities to transform residents' disaster prevention organizations into functioning organizations by evoking interest and strengthening sense of belonging through effective marketing activities., application/pdf}, pages = {169--183}, title = {〈論文〉自主防災組織の抱える問題と機能化へと向けての提言―全国ウェブ調査の結果から―}, volume = {59}, year = {2012}, yomi = {アリマ, マサヒロ} }