@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011185, author = {荒田, 吉明 and 森本, 純司 and 山口, 昭雄}, journal = {理工学総合研究所研究報告, Annual reports by Research Institute for Science and Technology}, month = {Jan}, note = {[Abstract] Sintering behavior of high Tc. superconducting coatings using Flame-jet spraying, YBa_2-Cu_3Oy and its superconducting properties have been studied. It was made clear that the Flame-jet sprayed coatings were not superconductive and did not have perovskit structure, but it can be changed to superconductive perovskit type structure by heat treatment in air, and the resistivity becomes zero at 97 K., application/pdf}, pages = {5--10}, title = {フレームジェット溶射法によるY-Ba-Cu-O系超電導皮膜の作製}, volume = {2}, year = {1990}, yomi = {アラタ, ヨシアキ and モリモト, ジュンジ and ヤマグチ, アキオ} }