@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011104, author = {Kiguchi, Masayoshi}, issue = {18}, journal = {理工学総合研究所研究報告, Annual reports by Research Institute for Science and Technology}, month = {Feb}, note = {[Abstract] We have numerically solved a non-linear Schrodinger equation which describes the growth of the density perturbation in an expanding universe. We have explored the characteristics of this Schrodiger equation method because this method has numerous advantage over N-body simulation method for the study of gravitational collapse of Cold dark matter., 本文データはCiNiiから複製したものである。, application/pdf}, pages = {7--10}, title = {Gravitational Collapse of Cold Dark Matter in Early Universe using Schrödinger Equation}, year = {2006}, yomi = {キグチ, マサヨシ} }