@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010974, author = {小西, 幸男}, issue = {3}, journal = {生駒経済論叢, Ikoma Journal of Economics}, month = {Mar}, note = {[概要] EUは加盟国により構成され, EUの環境政策は環境法を通じて加盟国の国内法へと浸透していく。 しかし, 各加盟国は独立した国であり, それぞれにおいて国内の政策および法体系によって環境政策および行政を行っていることとEUの環境法政策は詳細の実施を各加盟国の裁量に委ねていることから複層に絡み合う二つの環境法政策の間には整合性の問題が存在する。 EUの環境政策における整合性がどのように図られるかを解明することによって, EUの目指す環境法政策とはどういったものであるがより明確になるであろう。 本論文ではドイツにおける容器包装例の国内施行例がEU環境法に照らし実施されたにもかかわらず, EUから違反事例であると指摘を受けた事件を考察することで, 整合性の問題点を検証する。     [Abstract] This paper examines the complex relationship which exists in the implementation of environmental policy within the European Union. While the Member States retain their sovereignty, directives relating to the protection of the environment originate from the Commission. Although initiated at EU level, under the principle of subsidiarity, EU regulations have to be implemented at national or regional level and become part of the national law of each Member State. Thus, after the EU has established an environmental law, Member States introduce the necessary national legislation and implement the policy in their own countries. There are two layers in this process. Therefore, although Member states adopt the EU environmental regulations as part of their national law and policy, there is room for misunderstanding in the way it is implemented. Differences in implementation at the national level may compromise the principles of the single market. Discrepancies have to be removed and in extreme cases, differences are ironed out at the European Court of Justice. Examining this process in detail shows us the way the EU operates in the important area of establishing an environmental policy and implementing it through laws and regulations at national or regional level. This paper examines some aspects of the operation of this complex process including the question of consistency by viewing the outcome of the two important cases at the European Court of Justice.}, pages = {67--90}, title = {〈論文〉EU環境法政策と加盟国内環境法政策の整合性について}, volume = {3}, year = {2006}, yomi = {コニシ, ユキオ} }