@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010095, author = {秋田, 求 and 太田, 喜元}, issue = {2}, journal = {近畿大学生物理工学研究所紀要, Memoirs of the Research Institute of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology}, month = {Mar}, note = {培養由来のサトイモ貯蔵器官(球茎)の苗質を評価する目的で、培養直後の球茎の乾燥耐性および球茎中に含まれる貯蔵物質(デンプン、レクチン)の含量を測定した。培養由来の球茎は、実験室内において速やかに萎れた。貯蔵物質の含量は市販の球茎よりも著しく低かった。これらの結果から、培養由来の球茎は貯蔵器官としての発達が不十分と判断された。培養条件によって貯蔵物質の含量は影響され、その含量は順化率に関係する可能性が示唆された。  (英文) Quality of in vitro propagated corms of yam (Colocasia esculenta cv. Ishikawawase) as the seed plants was estimated. In vitro derived corms were easily wilted when they were kept under the room condition. The contents of two kinds of reserve substances, starch and lectin, were significantly less than those in the field grown corms. These results indicate that development as the storage organ is insufficient in in vitro propagation of corms. Composition of the medium influenced on the content of these reserve substances which may affect on the efficiency of acclimatization of the corms., 継続後誌:近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要 = Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University, application/pdf}, pages = {33--37}, title = {組織培養由来のサトイモの苗質に関する研究}, year = {1999}, yomi = {アキタ、モトム and オオタ、ヨシモト} }